I’m still on mat leave and work for ambulance service once my 9 months hit I used holidays for 2 months then am doing one month unpaid We get back pay in Augusts pay too I believe!
I took the year stretched maternity pay then when I’m due to go back I have about 2 months annual leave to use so I’m actually off for over a year!
I’m also NHS, not due to go off til November/December but thinking of taking the year and having my maternity payments split equally over the 12 months. Unsure about your universal credit question sorry
I don’t work for the NHS but get 3 months unpaid. I used my full time off for the year for the end of maternity leave and have the remainder unpaid that I saved for before I went on maternity leave.
I signed my contract as 9 months to begin with but with (so money can’t be spread out over 12 months now) scope to extend to a year. I was worried about money so we decided to see if we could save up enough money for the last 3 months. Baby was born in Feb and we’ve got some money set aside so I am taking the full year now. I applied for UC to see if I am entitled to anything but unfortunately I’m not. When my SMP runs out I will apply again and see if it’s any different xx
Not nhs but private company I had 9months with a form of maternity from company and stat but wanted the year last 3 months I spilt my holidays accrued over maternity and carried from previous yr over the 3 months and then took remaining days as unpaid so I had a bit of a salary each month rather than nothing. My employer did note that no one had actually requested to do this before and had to check with payroll but it was fine
I work for the NHS and I took the year off, I choose stretched maternity pay for the year so I get paid the whole time x