Some PLEASE help.

I know no one really responds( I’ve posted in other groups with NO response OR advice) PLEASE. I did not have this with my daughter(2) Implantation or start of period(have not started) but per my tracker I’m 14 days late now. If I wipe or even if I have something like tp to like collect it. It’ll be pinky discharge like this or brown/dirty red/brown sometimes. But if I keep something in to protect my underwear it’ll also get dark. More in comments
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I would take a pregnancy test

How long have you been bleeding for?

If you are 14 days late for your period I would say it couldn’t be implantation as implantation happens around 6-12 days past ovulation (before your period would start) it could just be a very light period or could possibly be pregnancy as I know some bleed the first few weeks of pregnancy and some the whole first trimester! Have you taken a pregnancy test yet? You could always ask your doctor for a blood test to confirm or deny pregnancy, since you are 14 days late! I hope this helps!🥰

@Jessica it started the NIGHT of the 14 since I’m unfamiliar with it idk when I should take a test and it be accurate but I read 4-10 and it should stop around 3 days tops

@Candice I read implantation bleeding happens 14 days after conception I last had sex on the 30 which would add up to the timeline

@Candice so I read it happens 10-14 days after conception not ovulation.

I see. Well I would still take one to ease your mind. If it’s not normal for you to be bleeding like this, I would also consult your gyno.

@Jessica when should I test? I’d hate to take one tomorrow and the bleeding/spotting still be occurring and the tea be inaccurate

@Ashton I’m sorry but what you read is incorrect. It’s 6-12 days past ovulation but when implantation bleeding starts depends on when conception occurred. Plus not everyone gets implantation bleeding only 1/3 of the population experiences it, so that’s about 25-30% of women. Either way I would just take a test, since you’re 14 days late the result will be 100% accurate.

Yes, I would test as your period is late as of 14 days ago. You will 100% get an accurate result.

@Candice I’m not saying you are wrong but the timeline just isn’t adding up for me. Since I didn’t have a period I couldn’t have ovulated. But if you’re saying it happens 6-12 days past ovulation it would make sense but it cant happen if I didn’t ovulate

@Candice so I had sex 2 on the 30 and if I read IS correct that would make the timeline sensible.

@Ashton okay I missed the part where you said you haven’t had a period yet so when was your last period?

@Candice 13-17 of June. I have the nubs ring for birth control so in May when I took it out I got a period from may 24-28 and then again in June in the 13. And haven’t since

Ik it’s hormonal so it’ll take a while to level out but what I’m experiencing I’ve NEVER had at all with my last pregnancy, TTC 2 years ago or ever

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@Ashton okay so you did have a recent period, so based off your period and based off an average period, you should of ovulated between June 24th and June 28th (most ovulated on cycle day 14, which would of been June 26th). So that would put you at cycle day 34 and 22 - 26 days past ovulation. So you definitely could be pregnant, more than likely the bleeding isn’t from implantation, but like I said it still could be early pregnancy bleeding. I would definitely take a test, since you’re past your expected period you can take it any time of day or you can wait until tomorrow and use first morning urine! If you have a normal 28 day period then you are only about 6 days late! Hope this helps & keep me updated on the result of your test

@Ashton also this could be from your hormones getting back on track from getting off birth control

@Candice that’s what I’m not wondering and am going to be so HIGHLY and deeply upset if it is. How’s long does implantation bleeding last?

@Candice if it was hormones getting back on track I’d like to think it wouldn’t be so spotty and discolored like this

@Candice that’s the thing I should T of gotten my period in June like I did but since I don’t have my birth control did I got it again. My typical period is at the end of the month usually 24-28 etc never middle of the month like it was in June

@Ashton it can be a few hours up to 3 days but should be no longer. But I have a friend who had a full “period” but turns out she was actually pregnant, but that’s very rare. And your feelings are definitely valid and definitely allow yourself to feel those feelings but keep in mind, only allow yourself to have those feelings for a few days and then you’ve got to get back up and keep trying! TTC is very hard physically and mentally, so you can’t let it break you! I got my IUD out after 8 years of having one, on July 18, 2023 and we have been TTC since August 1, 2023. I had a chemical pregnancy (early miscarriage) in January, got diagnosed with PCOS & Hypothyroidism in February, started fertility treatment june 13th and just went through another chemical pregnancy last week! It’s rough out here but keep your head up and stay positive! You’ve got this! & I understand, birth control can also change your period! But if you’re super concerned and have a negative test you can call your OB

@Candice when should implantation stop? If it is?? @Jessica id just rather know if if it is instead of calculating it all and saying welll maybe it is

@Ashton like I’ve said, it can last a few hours, up to 3 day, but no longer. There’s no way to know if you’re pregnant without taking a test…it seems you just aren’t getting the answer you are wanting so I’m going to just unfollow your post at this point. Good luck and hope you get what you want.

@Candice oh yes for sure! Thanks so much! Yes I’m going to be upset if it’s not the results I’m wanting to see but ik and have thought that if it’s not then I can at least accurately track my period again and know when I’m ovulating and keep trying! Yes I had a full period with my daughter as well!

I really would take a test! Or call your gyno and see what they think.

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