@Francesca Yes exactly how I’m feeling! It must be quite a bit of added stress with the not knowing as well, hope you go to the perfect early but not too early like 39W exactly or something! My first never dropped so it was weird to wake up one day with that clearly having happened, but the midwife had a little feel of my belly last week and said baby is low but not engaged so it looks like we’ve definitely got the 2 weeks left I’m going to stop pretending to keep busy with work and go clean downstairs and stick some laundry on hahaha
I was induced with my first at 40+6, and I don’t remember being this uncomfortable. Although she was overdue, I don’t remember being this desperate and impatient for her to come 😂 I’m just hoping this one wants to come early - I can’t imagine going overdue this time round!
Yes!! SO ready now 🙏🏻
Yep - very ready here too! I’m 37+5 and have already been off work for two weeks using up annual leave. My maternity leave officially starts on Wednesday. I’ve got everything done that needed to be done, and I feel on top of everything else. Feel like I’m just sat twiddling my thumbs. My almost 4 year old is quite chill and just occupies herself most of the time. I’ve been trying to do some nice things with her as it won’t be just her for much longer, but there’s only so much in my energy reserves and I’m getting more and more uncomfortable. Every day she comes into our bedroom and asks “is it baby come out day today?” I don’t have a section or anything booked so it’s just a waiting game. I’m still uncomfortable as, although baby is head down now, they’re still very much in my ribs and my bump hasn’t “dropped” yet. But I believe this is fairly common for second and subsequent births as they can engage during labour so may not “drop” 😩 the not knowing when they’re coming is so hard 😂