Miscarriage confirmed today (8 weeks)

Just confirmed today that I had a miscarriage (at 8 weeks).  Last Wednesday was a normal morning - nothing out the ordinary. I went to the bathroom and noticed a little blood.  I of course panicked, and called my Dr but they couldn't see me until later that day.  My husband drove me to the ER and we got a scan.  The doctor there said everything looked good for 8 weeks and that I should only worry if it's a ton of blood or cramps. The next day, I had barely any bleeding but was able to see my OB.  I showed her pics I took of the blood and she reassured me that it's not uncommon to bleed a little.  To me it was a lot of blood but she said it wasn't really.  I went home feeling a bit better about it but then later that afternoon I started getting cramps.  The cramps were around my sides and got more intense as the day went on. At about 5pm, it almost felt like labor pains - I had a hard time breathing through them. Then 20 minutes passes and it all disappeared.  I had a bit more blood but nothing that raised alarm bells. For the next 3 days I had light bleeding but again nothing that concerned me.  Then Sunday, after not bleeding the whole day and thinking it was over, I passed a small weird looking clot.   I then realized that I most definitely had a miscarriage 😔 I was reading and looking for any explanation but the simplest most obvious thing was that it's a miscarriage.  Today I had my prenatal appt and they did a vaginal ultrasound and confirmed it.  I think I'm ok - I probably cried my eyes out this past weekend so the news today hit hard but I mentally prepared for it.  Sending love to everyone here ❤️
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I'm so sorry love. I had an ectopic last November and it left me completely heartbroken. We had been trying for 11 months at that point. You just went through a trauma. Please be gentle with yourself. Take time to think and grieve that little being. I believe they stay with us and we will get to see them in another life. Sending you the biggest hug.

I too experienced this. Give yourself time to feel the grief and be kind to yourself over the coming weeks. Sending you much love.

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