How do you serve your toddler food?

So my little girl does not take bites of food only if it’s a whole watermelon slice or sometimes a ham and cheese croissant. I have to watch her. I still can’t feed her foods that she will choke on unless I cut it up so small. Even toast I have to make sure the pieces are thin. Ramen noodles she will swallow whole and sometimes choke if she already swallowed but the other half of the noodle is hanging out her mouth. I have to cut them with scissors. Chicken nuggets have to be cut in half. The gerber cookies, she puts the whole cookie in her mouth. Same with animal crackers. Honestly any size cookie she will fit the whole thing in her mouth. Sometimes with fruit snacks she puts all of them in her mouth at once. I’m scared to try beef or really any meats. I mean we’ve tried pork chop, and grilled chicken and she won’t even touch the pieces. She doesn’t eat any veggies either. She likes corn and sometimes carrot but it depends. She used to love green beans but not anymore. I’m scared to do pb&j again b/c she has choked before. I have an infant now so it’s impossible for me to focus on both during dinner. My question is wtf do I do?? I’ve never heard of a kid stuffing their mouth like this. She literally will not even try the food my husband makes for us. Sometimes she’ll eat off my plate but if I make her own, absolutely not. I just don’t know what to do.
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We remind our daughter to take small bites. Like we say it multiple times during a meal. It's a work in progress but we've said it enough that she's catching on to take small bites. Eating with utensils helps. Spoons are small enough to limit how much she gets. We tell her to take bites of food from a fork, instead of putting the whole piece of food in her mouth. With getting her to eat more, it helped us a lot to have meals as a family.

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