
Since having a biological child does anyone regret become a step parent? Since having my son I just feel like I’ve given him a life that is dictated by my SS useless and spiteful mother. We are wanting to go aboard next year with our family and friends so we are having to ask my SS (10) mum permission to take him and my partner turned around and said if she says no then he’s not going which then means me and my son won’t be going cause I won’t feel comfortable traveling by myself with a then two year old and my parents live two hours away and it will be more hassle traveling to theirs. I understand why he feels that way but it feels like we just suffer then. It’s already a pain in the arse that we are having to pick up the slack for her lack of parenting (not taking him dentist, opticians, headlice et) even my SS is starting to realise what she’s like cause he asked me if we could go get his glasses despite it being mums week cause he knows she won’t take him despite her having all the time in the world as she doesn’t work. If anything gets damage such as glasses, school uniform/accessories we have to pay for it, he’s been in swimming for three years and she’s never paid for it and up until recently we had to say if she’s not taking him we are having to pull him out of them cause it’s not fair and I’m jsut starting to regret getting together with my partner and wish I left years ago. Probably hormones cause I’m on but I just feel like I’ve had to be mum to my SS that I can’t enjoy the firsts with my son
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Its hormones but your husband should still go on holiday without him my ss isnt allowed to come with us the baby mums choice but we are still going he has another family now he has to think of everyone not just his other son

It’s normal - we feel more protective over our own babies and start to see how unfair things are!! I even resented my sons dad for taking my son on his weekends and impacting our family time 🙈🤣 you slowly adapt BUT your partner needs to be ensuring he isn’t letting you and baba down - if he asks to take SS on holiday and is told no that’s his ex’s fault and he should still go! He’s tried He should explain to SS then his mum has said he isn’t allowed to go; or apply to courts for permission! Is it possible SS could live with you more? Sounds like he’d probably prefer that :/

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