
Am I just being a moody momma I had finally gotten my 1 month old to sleep and my step daughter (age 15) comes in and asks me for fast food at 9:30pm after being with her mom all day even though she knows there's plenty of food in the fridge. She proceeds to pick up her 1 month old sister and puts her in her carseat waking her up so I take the 15 year old to get her food to which she only ordered a side item and a drink (in my opinion not worth my time to wake my baby up) we get home and she immediately goes to her room eats and goes to bed leaving me with a screaming 1 month old that's not hungry but too tired to eat and too hungry to sleep and projectile spits up what I just fed her.
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No girl you’re not moody you need to set a boundary no one should be waking your baby up you’re freshly postpartum so you need to take care of you and baby first and talk to her dad about it because that’s unacceptable

There has definitely got to be a boundary set here. No way should it have been acceptable for her to pick up your baby who you had just gotten to sleep, it's so important that when babies sleep, they are left to sleep, they need it! Set those boundaries with her mama, as the baby needs sleep & you need to be mentally okay! If you maybe don't feel comfortable setting the boundary, could you speak to her dad about it? P.s your definitely not moody, sleep with a newborn when they actually DO sleep is precious, I'd be pissed 😭😂

Not judging but you shouldn't have taken her anywhere when there's food at home there's food at home period and her just taking the baby to put her in the car seat that personally would have made me crash out you need to speak with her father about her disrespecting you and how that effects the baby if he does nothing about stand your ground and don't let a 15 year old be the boss of you

Um, not moody but you should have just told the kid no. Even after the baby was awake and in the car. Don't reward that kind of behavior with a treat.

Personally I would be mad that she she’s think it’s acceptable to put the the baby in the car seat without your permission & while she’s sleeping definitely not okay. You’re not being moody at all. Set your boundaries with her & if you not comfortable doing it talk to your husband about it. 🫶🏻

Should’ve told her what our mom use to tell us, there’s food at the house

Uber eats or eat what’s home. Don’t let the 15 yo run you.

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