Very confused

Kinda long post but I’d appreciate if you read it all Hi everyone I was hoping someone could give me some insight on if I should be worried. I will preface by saying up to this point I’ve had 2 previous miscarriages all before 8 weeks. So anyway I found out I was pregnant again on the 11th of July I was just over 4 weeks at the time and my tests were still rather light. Then on the 15th I started getting some light pink spotting which for me is never a good sign I tried not to worry but by the 17th it was a full on heavy bleed which to me meant I had lost this baby. Well I’ve been bleeding pretty heavily for the last 9 days without any signs of it lighting which is unusual for me because In both previous losses the bleeding lasted max a week so I’m worried about how long this is gonna go on for because it just isn’t stopping. The second thing is I decided to take a pregnancy test this morning to confirm my levels are going down and the test has stayed exactly the same and isn’t getting lighter I’d argue it may even be a tiny bit darker I know it can take a while if your further along but again in both previous losses the tests were basically negative after days so I’m confused why it’s not this time when I was only 5 weeks at the time Im presuming I’ve miscarried. I’m just very concerned that it’s not a miscarriage and maybe something else like an ectopic or something and I’m not really sure what to do??? Any help?
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Sorry just coming to your post now and things may have changed already? However I'd ask if your using the same brand of test to test for pregnancy, some brands give different results so I have been told by my doctor. Also maybe you should go see a doctor, like you bleeding for me is never a good sign. I hope though that this time it's nothing too bad. 🤞

@Laura I ended up going into hospital as they were concerned it was ectopic to have some tests done they did a speculum which showed my cervix was closed but bloods came back showing it was a miscarriage I was told to wait until the 19th of this month to test again and if still positive I need to call the EPU to get checked again but I’ve been bleeding this entire time not as heavy any more but still bleeding and I ended up testing last week just to see and it was still positive so just going to wait till Monday and then if it’s still positive go from there calling them back. They’ve also pushed for an urgent referral to gynaecology and to the recurrent miscarriage clinic for me so hopefully I get some answers soon.

Also to answer your first question yes I use the same tests usually however I did start cross referencing with other tests after coming out of the hospital and it’s the same result 🤷🏻‍♀️

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