Doctor Advised Covid-19 😭

Are you the person who used to say Covid was no biggie or just like the flu! Guilty 👋🏻 I will never take Covid-19 for granted ever again! For the last 7 days this is the most unwell, I have ever been. 😷 It all started on Friday the 19th with mild symptoms that progressively got worse with each day. I have huge headaches, coughing every couple of minutes, crackling throat as I breathe, being sick food and mucus, an unappealing appetite, feeling cramp in calves, abdominal cramps and when opening my bowels and aching. The only symptoms that seem to have eased off are being lightheaded and shivering (feeling hot and cold). It would be good to know if any other mum's have had a similar experience. 🤒😷🤢😴
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For people who are otherwise healthy, and/or not pregnant, it isn't much more than the flu. In fact, I've had COVID 3 times and the flu once (not pregnant any of those times) and found that the flu was infinitely worse. I also reacted badly to the COVID vaccine, so when my midwife keeps pushing for me to get it (and the flu vaccine, which I also reacted to), I'll be telling her firmly where to stick her 'suggestions'. She has been so pushy about vaccinations. The only one I'm getting is the whooping cough one.

I had no underlying health conditions prior to catching covid. October 2022 I caught it and it wasn't more than a cold, but what we didn't know is that it had done something to my lungs. Two weeks later I suddenly declined rapidly, I was very ill with pneumonia, it took 5 months to get rid of it and it's left me with permanent lung damage. Never ever in my life have I been so unwell and I'm now afraid to go near anybody with even the slightest of colds for the risk of me getting unwell again. I wouldn't wish it on anybody.

I was like this the only time I’m aware that I had Covid. I say “aware” as I now believe it is very much like common cold and flu to those who are well with no underlying conditions. When I did have it, my little one was only 4 months old (1month corrected as born premature) and I felt so rotten so maybe it’s worse due to hormones? Lack of sleep etc? Maybe generally being run down could make it so much worse. Hope your feel better soon xx

I’ve had covid 3 times! (ALL while pregnant 😭) I was completely fine with my son at 5 weeks as I was just so so tired and then I got it again at 30 weeks and I think I suffered a bit then but I was just over pregnancy etc. This time, I was 17 weeks pregnant with a toddler. I was so weak, such a bad cough, nausea, the whole works. It was horrible so so horrible 😭 It cleared within 2 weeks but I still sometimes have the covid cough! Hope you get better soon! Xx

I've never taken it for granted because I was working on a&e and saw young fit people being admitted with low oxygen, needing tubing and dying. And young fit people with long covid. Also the "flu" is bloody awful. Not sure why people think it's not serious. Think of your worst cold X 100. I got covid I think last year, it tanked my blood pressure and I was so so tired. But I've been vaccinated x 6 so I think it was mild for me.

I tested positive just over 2 weeks ago and I have never felt so poorly I’m only just feeling better now and it was so hard having it and looking after a baby too, I had it a few years ago and it was so much worse this time round 😭

Thank you all for your advice! It definitely feels much more than what the flu does. I do have two underlying health conditions, which may make it worse. I have hypothyroidism and high blood pressure. I am worried about what will happen to me if I continue with this illness because it's unbearable 😭 The doctor checked my vitals and said they were all fine, but the aftermath of what my body is going through after coughing has now caused my stomach to become sore from coughing so forcefully, I darnt eat or drink because I'm scared I will be sick but I have drank water mostly, I am very constipated and have only managed to open my bowels 4 times in a week, my neck is constantly stiff and hurts when I turn it and I keep waking up in the early hours xx

So sorry you are suffering like this! I've had covid three times. The first two times it felt like a bad flu and it took me three weeks to be back to normal. The last time was October last year (last time I was sick with anything) and it was so mild, like a cold and I only had one sofa ridden day. I've heard that this new strain (called FlIRT) is particularly bad so this is probably what you have. My good friends have had it and it took them three weeks to get over it. Get some back seed oil (organic and cold pressed) from Amazon prime asap and take a tablespoon everyday. It's one of the few natural remedies proven to help fight covid worth scientific studies. Dose up on lots of vitamin c and zinc, turmeric, ginger, manuka honey. If you don't feel like eating try and force yourself to have bone broth - get someone to make them for you with a chicken carcass or just buy them ready made. Drink smoothies - ready made if easier. Your body needs nourishment to recover. ❤️

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