Coming out

So I finally came out about being gay and have a girlfriend. Most people in my life are really accepting and non judgemental other than my mother.. which as been hard to deal with especially since I live with my parents. But I'm so happy in my relationship and I'm not going to let anyone ruin it for me
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Congrats for your bravery. Live your life and be happy 😊

@Sharise thank you!! 😊

It can be a really weird change at first, but nothing will ever feel as good as being yourself 24/7 🥰🥰🥰

@Gemma I agree! It's definitely weird to not have to hide things or hide who I'm happy with but it also feels so nice to just be myself and be happy authentically 😊

Congrats love!! I didn't come out as pan until 30 years old. My mother in law is still weird about it. It's her problem, not mine!

@Julia I'm 28 and just came out as gay!! My mom is so judgy towards everyone so I'm trying not to take it too personally but it's my life and I'm an adult and can chose to be happy and who I'm with!

Aww good for you!!! That's amazing and a huge step. Jeep being you 🥰 Some of my family members were awful when I told them about my girlfriend (now wife!) and if you ever need to vent feel free to message me!

Congrats, Katlyn! I’ve been out as pansexual since I believe 2019 ish and in 2020 or so I came out as Demiwoman but I feel more genderfluid between agender, nonbinary and demiwoman in a way.

Congrats to you!! I didn’t come out until I was 36!! Yes 36. Thankfully everyone (that mattered) was excepting of it. But even if they weren’t I was prepared to cut them off. Because my life and my lifestyle should not be that important to where it affects the next person to the point where they feel the need to judge and even be opinionated about it. It’s MY LIFE. Why should who I love and lay with matter that much to you? Either you accept it or lose me. Period. Your choice. So I’m happy for you that you finally get to live in your truth. It’s exhilarating and empowering. Best of luck to you and your love.

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