
I can literally count on 1 hand the number of meals for his evening dinner my son will eat. Is this normal? He used to love broccoli, now won't touch it. Strawberries he's gone off recently and red grapes. I keep offering different foods but it just gets checked on the floor. When do they start eating?!
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Same. My daughter has no appetite after her nursery.

My daughter literally just ate sausages for tea tonight. Wouldn’t touch the potatoes or beans on her plate. I’ve given up. Just keep offering 🤷🏼‍♀️

Not normal, but common. Two things that can be going on and should each be individually evaluated. One, you should see a speech/feeding specialist to make sure nothing structural or functional is wrong (oral tie, tongue thrust, etc). Two, see an occupational therapist for sensory evaluation, as food restriction is a symptom. However, it could also be as simple, if you are feeding too much junk food as a snack so they are holding out for that preference. It is suggested to feed whole foods and not a bunch of addictive processed foods.

Same with us for a month now. Just snacks. Refusing what he used to like. We survive on snacks fruits and pasta! That he never refuses lol

Whenever mine refuses to eat her meal she usually eventually goes back for the meal (I leave it on the table). If not I just ensure to give her a big cup of milk at bedtime. Works for us x

@Linda would you say that the 2 things that can be going on are actually that common? I don’t know a single mum with a 2-3 year old that actually eats more than 5 meal varieties at certain periods of time. For example my daughter loved curry and rice 2 months ago, she’d ask for it twice a week, now she won’t touch it… I’d absolutely say this sort of up and down behaviour is normal, is it not?

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