First poop

Seriously I do not find online helpful. I have been taking lactulose and think I need to the loo, will go, and then teeny ounce drops off but definitely feels like a back up of hard poop that I have to... sorry... but suck back up because I can't push! Does anyone know if it's like in the rectum and I keep drinking water and fibre and take lactulose, will this help the poop that is stuck? How is it that the hardest part of pregnancy and giving birth has been having this first poop. 3 days pp and not pooped since Monday morning which was normal. I was also on iron tablets. Any advice is welcome
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Having cups of black tea helped me more than the laxatives 😂😂 and apples. Good luck, i know the pain and fear xxx

It took days of the lactose to help me go and tmi but it wasn’t pleasant when they started working 😂

Thanks @Claire @Shannon . I think I'm worried about is that there seems to be "old" poop that is not coming out and om not sure if laxatives will help to soften and push this through too to help the back up. Also when saying it wasn't pleasant- was it painful? Did you havr to push a lot? Or was it like diarrhea. I am praying to just get loose stools at this stage- much easier than constipation and constantly now feeling the urge to go and know there will be a toilet battle 😅

I’m sure they will try not to panic, I know it’s hard cos that’s all I did for the first few months. And it was next level diarrhoea 😂 no pushing needed just happened x

Thank you- honestly that gives me hope. I can deal with the next level diarrhea more than this constipation and just didn't want anything stuck ! I will keep going with the lactulose!

I was in hospital for a week so any concerns I had I just asked so maybe ask someone if you’re worried, hope you poop soon lol x

As in didn't go for a week? And thank you! I do too! It's ruining my day a bit because everything else has been so great 😂 literally crying ove sh*t

I had my baby the Tuesday and I didn’t go until the Friday, my belly was making some awful noises I thought they messed up my insides 😂 I cried over everything don’t worry!

Mines the same! Sorry for tmi but just update. I have managed to excruciatingly go! Felt like i have given birth. Thank you for all your help and hope!++

I spent most of day 5 on the toilet trying to go, tmi but I was just having to push sitting, standing, any position I felt like it was shifting 😂 also took a glove and put Vaseline just inside my bum to help it ‘slip’ out. It was horrible, I felt so ill from being blocked up I had to go. The lactose did nothing but keep me from getting constipated again. I kept taking regularly once I had cleared the blockage.

Have plenty of water, prune juice and coconut water (Tesco stocks both), avoid sugary foods as they slow things down. Stick to fruits (peaches and plums get things moving). You can also get medjol dates to snack on they’ll soften things and have a lot of fibre. Good luck

A bowl of high fibre cereal (I had coco pops 🤣) every day in the morning along with the lactulose and other veg etc, hydration helped me and it wasn’t bad at all and went within 5 days. I was in hospital for 4 so made my hubby bring me cocopops in because the hospital food did nothing but keep me blocked 🤣 It was the only thing that kept me going at the end of pregnancy as well

Keep a small stool under your feet whilst sitting on the toilet. It changes the direction of the colon and helps in easy passage of the stool. High fibre, low sugar, and lots of fluids, as everyone suggested, help too x

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