
My boy is 6 months next week. When is the best time to start getting his name down for nursery’s? First time mum so I’m absolutely clueless when to do it or even how to go about it so any advice is appreciated 🥰
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I know mums who are having to put names down while they are still pregnant it’s so booked up. I would check your local ones and find one you like and her name down asap.

@Megan I’ve heard of others doing that but see when I was pregnant that thought didn’t even cross my mind 😅 there’s 2 close to me that would be very handy so I’ll give them a call and take it from there but thank you lol

I would say as soon as possible!! I had to get my spot when I was pregnant for the one in my village, I know lots of people who have struggled to get a spot who waited until they were born. So I’d say don’t leave it any longer if you have a particular one in mind c

I think it all depends on what your local area is like and how busy the nurseries are! I don't think it would do any harm to start looking now and getting a feel for them. I didnt start looking until my LB was 8 months, ready for him to start at 1 years, most had plenty of space. But now the free hours are starting from 9 months my nursery is booked up

@Dillon yeah I’ve 2 particular in mind that are quite close to me so I’ll phone them soon as possible to see how I go about it x

We see mums at our nursery looking round when pregnant and putting their deposits down, definitely make some visits and calls around your area x

@Laura I’m not even sure how busy they are in my area that’s the thing. Ahh ok I’ll definitely get the ball rolling now then for him

We are going with a childminder but we've already secured his place for January and I haven't given birth yet. The new childcare hours available have meant an increase in people wanting to go back to work so I would get on it as soon as possible x

I’ve had mine down since I was 20 weeks pregnant as nurseries are very busy with all the free hours being announced and many closing.

I put our baby’s name down when I was 20 odd weeks pregnant due to the limited spaces and funding x

Due to the 15 hour funding grom September for 9m+, there'll be a waiting list most likely so look into it asap

Before birth or straight after in most places in the uk so asap.

As soon as you can, waiting lists are ridiculous and the government offering free childcare without paying the nursery's enough hasn't helped as now some are struggling and having to close so there's more kids and less spaces.

I’d say soon as you can, the nursery for my LO has a 14 month waiting list, I put his down when 20 weeks pregnant xx

I registered for a few whilst I was pregnant some had waiting lists of 2yrs!! It's worse now with funded hours.

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Definitely as soon as you can! I work in a nursery (0-5years) and we’ve had mummas coming to us pregnant looking for space next year already because everywhere in the area has waiting lists that are super long! It’ll be worse too if you’re in England because of the funding for 9month olds coming into action soon everywhere will have long waiting lists(heard of some having 1-2 year long lists)! So definitely do it sooner rather than later

It all depends on the area you live and the nursery you want, I'd definitely start looking now though. I had to put my name down with my daughter when I was only 12 weeks pregnant


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