Takeaways and toddlers

When you have a takeaway… does your toddler have it too or do you do them a different dinner
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He has some too, if we get a treat he should too. I'm very much anything in moderation, very little is off limits for my son as I want him to not be fussy with his food. He loves rice and mild curry or a chow mein 🤣 x

Depends what it is in terms of quality tbh. If it's from e.g. Cook then yes mine will have some. If it's a chinese etc where we have less certainty on the quality I'd give them something else. Our 4yo has a small amount of fish & chips with us but the 18mos don't yet. Just depends what you feel comfortable with I think

We let my daughter have some too, if we get a takeaway it will usually be later than her dinner so she’ll have her normal tea but a smaller amount as we know she’ll want some of ours if she’s still up. She has a happy meal from time to time if we go. She eats really well loves fruit and veg so I believe everything in moderation. I’ll allow her a biscuit if I have one and a bite of a chocolate bar. If I didn’t want her to have something I wouldn’t have it in front of her.

The only takeaway we choose is pizza, so yes 👍🏼

Yes we do

Very rare. When I have a take away it’s usually when they are in bed so I will do quick food for them. The odd occasions I’ve had it and they are awake they will have something off mine I’m very reluctant on giving the toddlers take away as one has a dairy allergy and most nuggets and pizzas contain dairy. Although she is able to have McDonald’s nuggets. I just find it easier to not let either of them have it so they don’t argue.

If we have one we normally do her fish fingers, chips and peas. We’ve always got fish fingers in the freezer

If we have a take away we eat when my son’s in bed and he has something else. Every other night we all eat together 🙂

It depends what it is but most takeaways are really high in salt so we’ve been reluctant to offer her much. We’ve let her try pizza and she’s had bites of burgers and chips but not really much else

Not really due to the salt content and a lot of things have a higher salt content than we might expect. She’ll have the odd chips with nothing on but, but doesn’t eat anymore than about 3.

The only takeaway we generally get is fish and chips now and again, so we order it without salt so he can share. Usually do him some fishfingers and frozen peas (he won't eat peas anymore but I keep offering 🙈) he tried the fish on Friday though and liked it so might just order him a mini haddock next time and not bother doing fishfingers

Depends what we have but generally yes, we don’t have it often so it’s not something I’m concerned about. If it’s something she can’t have I’ll cook her something else

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