alimentum vs gentlease vs nutramigen?

(I live in Canada so these are the formula brands available) Hey mamas! I’m wondering if anyone has any insight on the following formulas: alimentum vs gentlease vs nutramigen My 12 week old baby has become increasingly fussy, gassy and constipated since week 8. I breastfeed 95% of the time but at bedtime I like to give 2-4oz of formula (mostly because I’m SO over nursing by the end of day, and giving her a bottle helps knock her out for the night). I’m suspecting she has a dairy sensitivity since her poos were very mucusy. I’ve cut out dairy from my diet for the last 2 weeks and I’ve seen a bit of a difference I suppose (she doesn’t poo often so it’s hard to know). I’d love to give her a pre-bedtime bottle using a formula that could help her with the gas, constipation and colic symptoms. Any ideas?
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my son was the same way. i tried 4 different formulas and finally the last one we tried was nutramigen and he pooped right after the second bottle. ever since then he has pooped daily. i stopped breastfeeding all together because i felt doing both made it worse on him due to the protein allergy. he spit up a little still but no where close to what he was. and he sleeps way better and less fussy.

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