Taking much longer to conceive after MCs

Anyone is taking or has experienced taking much longer to conceive after a few MCs? The first 2 MCs had been quite quick for us, happened after 1 to 3 cycles. It's now the 5th cycle of us trying since the last MC although my cycles are even more regular at 31-32 days. Not sure why it's taking longer...not helping anxiety and all other negative emotions rise as time goes by with no success..
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i struggled to get pregnant after my miscarriage, i took maca root for once month and then next cycle i got pregnant. i was also doing ovulation strips everymorning and evening to find my peak and to actually know if im ovulating. i only started doing it the month i got pregnant so i cant say if it helped but personally i think it did to know when exactly we should do the baby dance, best of luck x

I feel this too, been 3 MCs and still trying, but seems to be taking ages to get PG. Also doing ovulation strips, have been since begining to try. Just recently started Maca root, so hoping that might make a difference.....

Thanks. I read maca root just seems to help with libido? I usually ovulate between 16-18 CD and we do BD very frequently throughout the fertile week so not too concerned about bd-ing at the wrong time. I've even used the menstrual cup so it has nowhere to leak out. 🤷🏻‍♀️ @Laura how many cycles has it been since your last MC?

For my last one it's now 2 cycles, previously though we were like 9 cycles, but then MC after getting PG. I basically fell PG just as finally my appointment with Obs/gyne/fertility consultant came through, she gave me progesterone to take but by the time the prescription came through I'd already started to MC. 😭. Hoping it's not another 9 cycles before we are PG again, and hoping having the progesterone ready and waiting will make a difference as well... Lots of baby dancing going on right through fertile window, but right on que up pops my period! 😭

There are so many things that go into conceiving that there is really no way to know for sure. My hubby and I seem to be really impacted by stress (his and mine). And I know my hormones are messed up bad after my last MC.

@Laura I feel you. Have you ever did any blood tests for your other cycles to see how your progesterone levels were like? I also hope for us all we won't have to wait too long..

@Anna yes you're right. I think each cycle is a new chance, maybe it could take longer or shorter than before. Its complex. Are your cycles more irregular after the MC?

I haven't had any offical/doctor progesterone tests done. I'd did test it myself, but as they turned out to be cycles where I didn't actually conceive, my progesterone dipped off as expected with arrival of my period. I haven't tested on a cycle where I have been pregnant, now of I get pregnant I would just take the progesterone as soon as I know. Wouldn't want to risk an MC if my levels are low.

Yes mine are definitely taking longer but I’m not sure how much is just related to ageing. After my first mc I conceived next cycle. After my second, it took 11 months. I’m still waiting six months after my third, and think I’m going to have to go ahead with IVF.

No, my cycles are usually about the same. I'm still waiting for it to come back after my last MC so I don't have data on that one yet. But my cycles have always been very regular in the past and after my first 2 MC.

After my stillbirth it took me 13 months to conceive my rainbow baby

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