Rice cereal

When did you guys start your baby on rice cereal? In there bottle and spoon fed. And what size nipple did you use for the rice cereal ? My daughter is 3 months old she constantly wants to eat. She eats anywhere between 6 to 8 oz a feed. I feel like the rice cereal will fill her up a little more she makes really good chewing movements with her mouth already. Did anyone start early ? Is she still to little
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Please do not ever ever ever put anything other than milk in a bottle!!!!!!!!!!!! If you want to give rice cereal then in a bowl with a spoon will be the best option!

They shouldn’t have anything besides milk before 6 months old. On some occasions the doctor will recommend cereals but that’s for reflux reasons. If you decided to do so, please use a spoon. And I would recommend oatmeal, rice has a lot of arsenic (more than oatmeal). They shouldn’t have food until they can sit up on their own either.

@Ayyah *sitting with support. Not on their own as some babies don’t sit unsupported until they are 8-9 months old. (Please don’t take that as me being shitty or horrible)

@Jasmine not shitty at all!! I read some things online that says without support or says with minimal support or being able to sit in a high chair without slipping. So thanks for pointing it out. Led me to read about it lol

@Ayyah I really didn’t want my comment to come across as horrible lovely. Xx

Honestly never seen the point in rice cereal because you shouldn’t wean before 6 months unless recommended by a doctor and then you may as well just start with purées or proper food! I blend normal oats up and then make porridge from them

Firstly, rice cereal is pointless it’s got zero nutritional value and is empty calories. Secondly, NEVER EVER put anything in the bottle. EVER! Thirdly, your baby is far far too young, all she needs is milk until she is 6 months old. Then, when you do start weaning, start with nutritional veggies.

We never did rice cereal, they shouldn’t have anything other than milk until at least 6 months old unless otherwise medically advised. By that time there are literally hundreds of much more nutritional options to feed your baby, skip it all together and go straight to veg at 6 months old. If a 3 month old is hungry then give them more milk.

@Krystal Hart a practitioner told you it was ok to add cereal to a 3 month old bottle? 😐

My son had bad reflux as an infant and AR formula was ALWAYS sold out literally everywhere I went every time I went so his pediatrician okayed cereal in his bottle and it helped so much. I used the oatmeal cereal as it had better nutrients to help support over the rice cereal. As he was getting older I started putting less and less till he grew out of the reflux and then it was just milk. I also used a size 3 nipple and washed it first while opening the hole at the top a little more with the small skinny brush cleaner thing that comes with the dr browns bottles. I think he also grew out of the reflux around 6-8 months old.

@MJ_xo his pediatrician, yes he told me it was okay to give it to my son

@Ayyah you can start solids at 4 months old as long as they’re showing interest and has very good head/ neck control

@jae ✮ CDC and the AAP say not before 6 months. Their gut isn’t even developed enough by 4 months to break down and process food. I know some people who start at 4 months but that’s under doctor advice and/or their own choice. So yes you can but it doesn’t mean you should 🥲

@Krystal Hart that’s wild. I know it can be recommended for severe reflux but given with a spoon. Never in a bottle.

Everything you see in the baby food isle like pouches, purées and cereals all have no nutritional value it is all marketing and made with lots of preservatives. Solidstarts.com is a good resource for introducing family foods at 6 months as it’s all NHS evidence based research. Do speak to a member of the health visiting team in your local area if ever in doubt xx

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@Ayyah well my doctor cleared my daughter to start solids so it varies child to child. if you’re comfortable doing so then you should

Never. This is not something to be given to babies

@MJ_xo it’s really old outdated recommendation to give rice cereal. They used to do it many years ago I wonder if the practitioner that recommended was much older ! X

Some babies tolerate early weaning and others don’t and by this I mean digestive problems. It can interfere with the digestive system and cause problems as they get older. It might not show straight away. One baby can be fine others it can have detrimental consequences it’s really best not to go by the fact another baby was completely okay. This is why it’s not recommended to wean baby’s until they are 6 months old along with the fact this is when they are most likely ready. Chewing motions with the mouth isn’t an indicator of being ready. You’re wanting to look for good neck control to begin with, baby swallowing rather than spitting out and good hand eye coordination, you can have a search on the internet for these as well. As others have said there’s really no benefit to rice cereal either. Some baby’s do feed more and often feed /suck for comfort as well. You’re doing great though, hope I haven’t come across as rude just wanted to give some friendly advice/facts xx

My son’s GI specialist recommended trying baby *OATMEAL* in his bottle for reflux. He’s 3 months now, but was a little over 2 at the time. Only felt comfortable attempting it because his specialist said it was okay and because it was in small amounts. It did not go well. He puked all the time, barely holding down anything and he was in severe discomfort. Please don’t do it without talking to your child’s doctor.

@Amy i wondered the same. Figured he was probably an older doctor. Still kind of scary. They’re supposed to keep up with studies and the times 😩

@MJ_xo I know right🥴🥴🥴

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