6 months routine

I don’t know whether we are somehow behind lol but I’ve just been thinking that we don’t seem to have any routine yet. I usually let my LO to lead me on feeding, naps etc as I have tried to establish routine in the past but it didn’t work. So just wondering if I should attempt again to follow some routine ? Also just curious what your routines are with 6 months old. I’m EBH, and will be introducing solids very soon as we are turning 6 months just next week ☺️
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Same with us. I use the huckleberry app to monitor sleep ( I was worried at one stage he was sleeping too much🥴) his sleepy ques co inside with this and I feed every 3-4 hrs depending how much he has had the feed before…. So no routine really here either xx

We have no routine whatsoever 😂 she wakes up at different times every morning so naps and feeds are at different times. She tends to stay awake for 2 hours ish at a time now before the next nap … and feeds around 2.5-3hours. This all goes depending on what time she has woken up.

We don't either, same as others, he wakes at different times, he goes for a nap after 2 hours and I feed every 3-4 hours and that's as routine as it gets. Other then bedtime we always do 7/7.30 x

I found that his routine is better if I wake him at 7:30, he naps after about 2/2:30 hours awake throughout the day and since I have been doing that his routine in the evening has been much better! Bath around 6 then feed and a story and wind down for sleep by 8:30 x

@Amy oh thanks that’s reassuring, although we feed after 2.5h after sometimes, I think I really need to pattern her up at this stage lol

@Laura okay that’s literally the same with us, do you have at least set bath time for your little one ? Or all depending on naps and feeds ?

@Shalise wow that’s really good, I’m always scared to wake her up at certain time as she may be moody lol don’t get me wrong sometimes I wake her up as we need to leave the house in the morning, but that’s on a rare occasion. Does you little one sleep throughout whole night ?

No routine here either! We have the same bedtime every day and he ends up waking at a similar time but naps/feeds I just do as and when he needs (making sure his last nap doesn’t go too close to bedtime)

@Nikolet he still wakes in the night, he has a feed around midnight and then he wakes around 4/5 but can just be comforted back to sleep. I needed a bit of a routine for my own sanity x

We don't have a routine he eats when he wants and nap when he wants

Just to add he’s now 5 months and finally been having his last feed around 10:30 until 6am 🙌

@Nikolet bath is usually at 6/6:30, I have an older child so try to do bath time together. However if she is napping she will skip the bath. I have noticed the last few days she has been having her last nap 4-5pm ish and going down at 7/7:30 .. wether this will last I’m not sure haha xx

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