Kindle, physical book, or audio

What’re y’all using to read these days?? I use all three!!! Also, anyone wanna be friends on good reads??
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I like the fact that kindles are right there ready to go but I love a physical book! Something about it just makes me happy

Yes I agree with this. It’s nice to have the physical book. I like to visually see how much I have left of the chapter/book and can prepare.

I stick with either a physical book or my kindle. My adhd won’t let me listen to audiobooks lol I get distracted to easily and can’t get past the first 10 minutes 😂

All 3 honestly

My Goodreads is literarycertainty and I will follow any and everyone back

Kindle! Can hide what I’m reading from my nosy 7yr old

Kindle because it’s easy to carry around and read in the dark or on the go. Especially when it comes to multiple books, sine sometimes I read more than 1 book at once. I find it easier to get into physical books, I don’t know why. Maybe as others have stated the physical presence just makes me happy. But the issue for me is space. I have no space in my home for physical books so I just end up getting them on my kindle. I have trouble getting into audiobooks. Except recently I discovered some books have a graphic audio version which I find much more engaging. I wish all audio books were done like that.

All 3 - kindle for travel and if I have down time, physical book is pure luxurious relaxing at home and audio when I need to get stuff done but still want to "read". My favorite will always be physical books

Physical book

All three. But mostly audiobooks, and least Kindle (app on my phone). It's too easy to just go on Instagram/pinterest/reddit/amazon/peanut/google/email instead.

I definitely love my kindle.

All 3 but nothing beats a physical book for me.


I just got a kindle in April, I absolutely love reading on my kindle because it's easier to carry around and read laying down😂. But I love a good physical book sometimes too. I haven't tried audio books yet.

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I’m a physical book girlie through and through I don’t think I could focus if it wasn’t but I do want to try a kindle maybe one day!

All of the above! I have an audio app called Tempt that are spicy books, but they have free ones on there and it's nice to just listen to those in the car or to put my earbuds in at home while cleaning. Throughout the day it's easier to utilize my kindle app on my phone with my kiddos running around. And at night when everyone else is sleeping, I'm reading my physical books. Of course this means I'm reading 3 books at a time which I know some people struggle to do. If I could only choose one it would be my kindle app

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