What week did your baby start laughing?

I can’t get my baby to laugh 😭. She smiles a ton and I’ve gotten an almost giggle out of her once but I’m dying for those full belly laughs.
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At 14 weeks!

My girly laughed for the first time on Father’s Day at almost 3 months old. But she laughs so few and far between

I don’t remember but he has been laughing for a while now. I saw a video that if you put something on your head and pretend to sneeze and have it fall off baby might think it’s funny. I think it’s more of a surprise thing baby’s like. My daughter use to thinking putting on and taking off her shirt was funny. My son loves peek a boo right now. Thinks it’s hilarious. He is also very ticklish on his sides

Belly laughs come later. Mine giggles when I put his feet by his mouth or when I jiggle him a little

About 3.5 to 4 months

Girl my baby is 18 weeks and he’s starting to barrel laugh when I get real in his face and I say “ohhhh I’m gonna get ya I’m gonna get ya” and I tickle his belly with my nose and make monster noises and he thinks it’s the funniest thing in the world 😭😂♥️

I think 4 months? There was like a hint of a giggle around 3.5 months then really nothing for another week or so. Then real giggles then kinda nothing for another week or just little hints maybe. Then like 4-4.5 months the giggles got more consistent and eventually turned into belly laughs.

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