2 under 2

Anyone else about to have 2 under 2? Or 3 under 3? Trying to take care of my baby during the 3rd trimester is absolutely exhausting! How are other mamas making it through the day?
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I had 2 under 1 lol! About to have 3 under 3. Def exhausted and exhausting. I'm honestly just surviving. How are you doing?

@Taylor I'm just so tired towards the end of the day. Third trimester is kicking my ass 😭

I have a 1 and 2 year old. They are 13 months apart. And I am 4 months pregnant. The transition to 1-2 is the most difficult I believe. I took loads of naps, when she napped and I napped in the play room with her while she was playing. Since I’m on number 3 right now. My life hasn’t really changed yet. I just entered 2nd trimester. And the two kids just play with each other. Which is great. When I start to get that big belly. I think that’s when it will get difficult.

I have a 20 month old and I’ll be 32 weeks on Sunday. It is very hard keeping up with him and surviving pregnancy, but we have no choice but to push through 😮‍💨…it’s definitely not for the weak lol

@Victoria my babies will be 13m apart 😭 Any tips on getting them to nap at the same time?

@Shadé not 👏🏽 for👏🏽 the 👏🏽weak! 👏🏽 Lord help us 🥲

I know you didn't ask me about them napping at the same time, but I do have some advice! My 2.5 and 1.5 year old have to share a room since we moved. My 1.5 yo still cries for her pacifier at night. But they get used to one another and their cries. Try putting the down the same time. Whether that's putting them to bed a few min later or earlier. This will help to sync their schedules. But just like @Victoria said, the transition from 1-2 was the hardest for me. I truly am not worried about adding a 3rd to my circus here. You get a routine and established the more you have, then you just add the rest in on it haha

@Taylor I didn't even think to ask until Victoria mentioned it 😅 The plan is to have at least 4w of help split between my husband and mom. It's just a matter of getting them to help me the way I need. My mom would let my baby sleep all day if he wanted to. 🙄

Honestly, I let my babies sleep as long as they want. Especially if they are newborns. They will wake if they are hungry. But, longer stretches mean the closer they'll be getting to sleeping through the night! I personally don't have a problem woth that but it is so very hard to have help the way you want. Just remember no one is mom other than mom. They can't and won't do it the exact same, but they can try to get close! You'll be just fine I promise

@Taylor thanks 😊

My son just turned one on July 12 and I'm due September 17th. It's a struggle.

@Mariah the napping takes time. You know how the newborn stage is. They wake up whenever all day and night. And once there passed that. You give them 2-3 naps a day as you know. I always made one of the naps match my daughters. She’s on 1 nap a day for a year now. She dropped her others herself. So I kept putting them both to sleep at 12-3 and they both have kept up with the nap till now too. I even sleep with my daughter in our bed for nap time. We have a house wide nap time 😂 My son who is 16 months old dropped all his other naps for months now and has just been going down at 12-3. It’s all about routine. It did take awhile to get him to sleep at the same time as everyone else. Consistency matters the most as well.

To add also, when he started on having one nap a day and I was syncing them. I would make him wait it out. Like if he got tired at 11, I would push him to 12. After a bit he was able to stay up till that time himself.

@Victoria on a good day my baby naps 2 hours straight, on a bad day he might take 2 30 minute naps 😭

@Mariah that’s normal. With my two, they only started having good long naps consistently after they turn over a year.

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I'll have a 4 year old and a 16 month old, and adding a newborn in September. I'll have 2 under 2

@Isabelle how did you survive? How was your transition?

@Mariah lots of family support and routine is how I survived. The transition from 1 kid to 2 kids wasn't bad, just had to learn a whole lot of patience. I think the transition from 2 kids to 3 kids, especially 2 kids under 2, will definitely be harder, but I'll eventually find a routine that works and it will get better. My oldest son has a developmental delay so I had to learn tons of patience very quickly. I just try to take time to myself every day and try to stay calm

@Isabelle part of my motherhood plan was to have my mom here she keeps saying she's going to move closer but something always happens resulting in delays. I never imagined doing this journey without my own mother 😭

My son will turn 2 about two months before I’m due with his sibling, so they’ll be 26 months apart. I’m in my 2nd trimester so thankfully the nausea has slowed down but I’m always exhausted. Luckily my son sleeps well at night but during the day he has sooo much energy..it’s hard to keep up 😩

@Kayyy✨ do 2 year old still take naps? Cuz if not. Idk how ima survive lol

@Mariah Yesss, he naps for 2 hours but it literally recharges him so he can wake up & run through the house like a tornado lol. Luckily as he gets older I’ve noticed he’ll sit still for small periods & watch something educational on tv or play with his toys

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