One and done

Is anyone else one and done? Now we are approaching LO’s 1st birthday we keep getting the question of when baby number 2 is coming. The truth is I really struggled during pregnancy and postpartum and I don’t want to put myself through it again.
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Exactly the same I will not have no more my choice my body not doing it I went through a lot too both pregnant and post partum it seemed like I was pregnant forever then took so much time out of me once he was here I can’t do it all again am greatful and happy with my only baby I don’t need anymore one is perfect don’t let anyone tell you any different x

I have 3 friends who are all 1 and done. There is nothing wrong with it and it is 100% your choice. You will likely always get questions of why (1 set of friends their kid is 11 and they still get asked why only 1), but I have found its usually people trying to find other perspectives rather than trying to shame them about why they stopped at 1. For 2 of the couples it was due to traumatic pregnancies and births (1 mother had the super bad sickness all the way through, the other nearly died from blood loss during birth), the other couple is because they have decided they simply cannot financially afford any more children and would rather spend more money making life comfortable for 1 child than have more and be struggling all the time. They do sometimes struggle emotionally when people phrase it as "when is the next one" vs "will there be another one", so I make sure to phrase it as the 2nd version whenever I ask anyone. It gets easier as your LO gets a bit older.

I hate this question so much… I would love a second baby, but I too really struggled PP, I couldn’t imagine doing that with a toddler. And financially it’s just not an option right now. This question hurts people & I think people should be more mindful of asking it

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