I just bought the bbhugme and it’s amazing! I had the cheap Amazon since my last pregnancy, and you can’t compare the comfort. Plus, the bbhugme doesn’t take that much space.
https://amzn.eu/d/4jC5TDo Ive just bought this, had it for 3 days and no complaints so far! Its 29% off too so only paid £33 and it comes apart for nursing etc
I tried a purflo one after reading good reviews but it was too firm for me (and cost £12 in postage to return!). Ended up with a bbhugme after a friend recommended it and it's expensive but so comfortable! It's been lovely and cooling while it's been warm recently too x
I borrowed a friend's bbhugme and it did take over our bed and I evicted it 😂 I've got a baby bub and it's much more manageable
https://amzn.eu/d/e4R0gfQ I use this and it’s the only one I could get on with
I 2nd BBhug me it’s great
I have a banana/moon shaped one from amazon, £25 and it's been amazing. But could also be because I had gone with just normal pillow between my legs up until now. 😅🙈
I heard the bellamoons ones are really chunky and big BTW. It depends how tall you are but my friends who's 5ft said it can be cumbersome.
Bella moon
Thanks so much everyone, there’s just so much blimmin choice! God help me when I get to picking prams and cots 😂😂
3 of my friends have recommended the bbhugme, it’s expensive but apparently amazing so I’m thinking I might go for that