
Anyone else's bub yelling a lot? I'm so overwhelmed. Drops something - yell. See the dog - yell. Too quiet - yell. Waiting for food - yell. It's constant. How are others managing it mentally??
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Yes especially the last few days it's non-stop screaming but not an I'm upset scream just a look at this fun thing I can do and it's doing my head in

@Beth exactly! Its not crying. It's just yelling and I'm like 😵‍💫

Oh it’s the worse lately! My daughter loves to scream bloody murder at 3am for a bottle

My hubby found the below link when he was getting overwhelmed with all the noise... I'm researching baby Auslan so bub has more tools to communicate rather than screaming - it's not an immediate fix but at least I can feel like I'm doing something to help the situation.

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