Egg ladder

Anyone who has done the egg ladder with their 1 year olds; did you have the information sheet that shows what can be used for each stage? Just wondering if they are all the same or varied. I really don’t remember what the dietician said about it all but it seems people are told to go about it differently. Just wondered how long you spend on each stage and if you’ve gotta do it over a few days then move straight to the next stage or if you give it to them for a few days, then give the same again the week after for a few days etc then move on?! I will try and contact the dietician that saw us but just wanted to find out how others have gone about it in the meantime. Did you all make the fairy cakes with the given recipe or can you do the shop bought Yorkshire pudding or some of the other ones from stage 1? If you made the fairy cakes - how well do these keep to use again over a few days? Also, stage 2 says to use sausages or burgers with egg but no other choices are given! Are these easy to find? For each stage, do you start with a tiny amount and increase? Sorry for all the questions but we saw the dietician so long ago and I’m not sure how she had said to go about it. The document she sent me says to do each stage over a few days but I don’t remember if it really can be that quickly or not? Thanks! X
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Yes I have the information sheet…. I can take pictures tomorrow and show you if you’d like? But in short, yes you start off which a very small amount and increase slowly. The fairy cakes freeze really well, so you can take one out as and when you need them. I think they only recommend using the shop bought Yorkshires If your little one is not allergic to dairy. I think each stage is different if I remember correctly. We are on the stage where he must eat baked egg freely for 3 months before moving onto the next stage! Xx

@Brooke yes please, that would be very helpful! Do you offer for a few consecutive days increasing slowly and stick to the same stage over a few weeks? Thanks. Do you know if they can be kept in the fridge also for a few days or? Thanks for the Yorkshire info. My little one is fine for dairy so maybe we can use these too! See I don’t recall anything on the sheet I’ve had say about 3 months but I’ve heard others spending a few months on each stage that’s why I’m confused! Baked egg is the first stage isn’t it? How many times a week do you offer it? X

I’ll check it all tomorrow properly and I’ll let you know but we started with fairy cakes and then he got bored of them so we switched it to Yorkshire puddings and once we got up to a full yourky we offered it at least 3 times per week. Now he has a croissant 3 times per week and that’s where we’ve stayed for about a month so far. Xx

Crosiant or brichoe bread. And with regards to the fairy cakes, they lasted a good 3-4 days in an air tight container either at room temp or in the fridge xx


I also have another booklet that is a little more recent

@Brooke this is so so different to what I’ve been given! It’s crazy and quite worrying as why would some places want you to spend weeks on each stage yet our hospitals sheet is so brief and just says spend 3 days on a stage before moving on 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️😂! How do you go about this if you are working btw? Do you just have to spend each weekend on each stage and just up the amount every time you offer each weekend 🫠🫠 x

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