Stay at home Dads

I just need to get this out of my chest, my partner doesn't work. Im so ashamed to tell this to all the people I know bec I feel ashamed that I end up with someone whos too comfortable to stay home and mind kids and let me earn for the family. I F******* hate it. I always send him the message that I need him to pull his weight in this family. He said childcare will cost all of his salary, its true. But still! I cant accept the fact that I have to be breadwinner. I still end up doing most of houseworks anyway especially cleaning. He paid off 70% of our mortgage which is Im always greatful for but Im still not happy with this setup. Please advice. I want to overcome and accept that this is my situation and not be ashamed of it. I alway lie to people I know that hes a stay at home Dad.
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Why doesn’t he work ?

Just commenting from what I see in the post and without full context but if you are unhappy with the arrangement couldn’t you both look for part time positions and then both contribute/ both get time at home? I personally think that having the option of having a parent rather than someone else looking after the kids is SO valuable for the littles! Especially if it would make little to no financial difference. That being said if you are not happy with the arrangement, it might be a good idea to find a middle ground?

Have u suggested that u stay at home and he goes to work? What does he say?

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