Temporary Housing

Has anyone ever been placed in temporary housing at a hotel with Newport Council? I left an abusive home and am now in a hotel with my baby and was wondering how long I’ll likely be here as I can’t get in touch with my case worker and haven’t really got a clue how it all works! Being without any cooking facilities is much harder than I thought it would be haha
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When I was pregnant I was there for 3 months, my cousin had a little girl when she went in and she was there for about a month. Good luck x

@Sophie thank you for your reply! How did you manage with not having a kitchen for food and things? I’m struggling to think of what I can eat x

To be honest we had to eat out all the time and do washing at laundrettes, it was a massive struggle because we didn't have much money x

Hey,hope you and your baby are okay! I've been through similar feel free to message me x

@Sophie ah yeah that’s what I was worried about, I think I’ll have to do the same but cut down to one meal a day and have a pot noodle if I’m hungry haha. Thank you for your replies! X

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