Glad to hear I’m not the only one and the increase in HCG would make sense, thought we were long past this stage! I’ll have to try the chaomomile tea I didn’t think of that!
I’m 39 weeks today and I’ve been feeling so sick these last few days, food almost comes back up all the time. I don’t know if it’s acid reflux or something else but not had any other signs of labour so far 😔x
@Tasia 😔 acid reflux is the worst! Fingers crossed you don’t have too long to wait and some other symptoms start to kick in! X
Yea I’ve been having the same thing! Not too sure about the sign of labour, my obgyn told me it’s mostly due to hcg rising again like they were in the first trimester but I hope she’s wrong and it is a sign hahah Camomile tea helps me and eating sourdough bread lol back to “student food” again which is like almost no food haha