Smoking whilst pregnant

Have a major migraine and used to smoke to help me before, I’m 18 weeks pregnant and stopped as soon as I found out. But I’m really struggling with my migraines rn, am I a bad mum for having a few puffs? Will it hurt the baby?
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I smoked my entire pregnancy for that reason and my baby was fine, so you should be okay mama. When in doubt, don’t try it out

No, I also smoked for this reason too. It's okay Mama, take care of yourself 💕

I smoked every now and again my whole pregnancy, mainly when my body was sore af. I personally don’t think you’re a bad mom at all like someone said above me, take care of yourself mama. My baby is almost 5 months and perfectly healthy but I don’t really like telling people that bc I get bashed. Lots of things have a slight chance of hurting your baby, I also ate deli meat bc I craved it 🤣🤷🏼‍♀️

Thank you so much mamas🥺 i needed that, I had so much guilt and felt like the worst human in the world❤️

I’ve smoked all the way through my pregnancy same as I did with my daughter 11 years ago. I appreciate that some don’t get away with it but I was told I would have small premature babies if I smoked while pregnant, she was 12 days late and 8lb 6oz, nothing small or premature about that. This pregnancy, I have cut down a lot but also use marijuana this time round as well. I smoked it originally as it helped combat nausea and morning sickness so I was able to eat, otherwise I couldn’t keep anything down. Later on this pregnancy and I’ve developed SPD and am in agony by about 4pm every day so I smoke to combat the pain that causes! The midwives rail at me about it all the time, I’ve been referred to so many smoke free programs. I am well aware of the risk I am running but at this point it would do more harm than good to quit. I tried earlier in the pregnancy to quit, completely cold turkey and my blood pressure went through the roof! Don’t feel guilty babe, do what your body is saying

I’ve smoked my entire pregnancy and as avid my ob is on not wanting me too and pestering me , I think it’s okay . Everytime I’ve gone in he’s been a perfectly healthy baby and they have nothing negative to say , personally it’s helped with my sanity a bit as I had to stop my mental health medication due to pregnancy and the only negative reaction I’ve noticed is earlier on if I took a hit too fast after getting up in the morning I would get super nauseous

I’m smoking through my pregnancy unfortunately because it’s only thing that cures my nausea. Don’t feel guilty your baby will be perfect❤️

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