Help! 9dpo with mixed test results.

Good evening, I’m very very confused. I’ve had high LH ever since ovulation and I peaked on CD20. I’m currently 9dpo. I took this test at 12:30 this afternoon and just taken another tonight about 7:30pm and it was NEGATIVE 🥺. I am impatient I realise this but now I’m more confused than ever! We’ve been trying for so very long and I’m PCOS too! If this is real. It’ll be our miracle baby. Any advice? Thank you and baby dust to all! ❤️
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Have you input the LH test into the Premom app? What number did it give you? I’m not sure if that test is high? When you did the pregnancy test at 7:30pm how much had you drunk in the few hours before? You’re not supposed to drink anything for 3 hours before as it could dilute your urine and therefore impact on the test result

Hi Bethan, thank you for reaching out, the app states 0.66 but last night was 0.93. It’s dropped ever so slightly today but it’s been registering as high for the past few days. I haven’t drank much to be honest this afternoon, possibly a glass of water. I need to drink more really 🤦‍♀️. I’m just so confused. I suppose I’ll have to wait it out and see what happens. I’m 39 awaiting ivf and I’m praying that we have our miracle naturally but who knows at this point 🥺 x

I know that the LH tests can be high when your pregnant but then It’s strange that your second test was negative. Maybe try again tomorrow morning and see what it says? Did you read the first test within the timeframe advised? 😕

Did you dip them and then sit them next to each other like this? I have heard that the line can run over 😕 Def test again with FMU tmw

Did you test again??

Hi! So sorry for my late reply. Sadly I’m now 3 days late and testing negative, tested on clearblue this morning. Such a strange cycle for me this month. I suppose I’ll just have to wait it out now and hope I can start a new cycle soon 🤞🏻 x

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