I'd look at what they like since it's a toddler, what's some of the things that make her "HER"... my girl is only 6w so if she had her own room I'd theme it lions and princessy
@Helen I love that wallpaper!
@Sarah B and Q do it as well as this site - https://www.worldofwallpaper.com/theme/children-s-wallpaper/over-the-rainbow-under-the-sea-wallpaper-light-teal-holden-90941.html?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwufq2BhAmEiwAnZqw8rgPbACOviUcjTnn1aZRAQmvjyoYf_bvuj3GS_QU-3EQHdm7lL9HlBoCvHgQAvD_BwE :) they do 2 other coloured backgrounds. It was certainly entertaining watching my dad put it up
You could also use some inspiration from there favorite show or toy