Smoking while breast feeding

Hi moms I just joined and I have recently been wanting to indulge in smoking again I have bought a thcA pen, which for those who don’t know is the flower right before it blooms so when it’s smoked it basically turns into thc a little loop hole for people who are in illegal states, ANYWAY… I’m super nervous to smoke while breastfeeding and I was wondering if anyone has smoked while breastfeeding as well as if they saw any affects towards your kids
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hey girl

@Kalli hey

Haven’t noticed any difference in baby but milk did smell like it when frozen

I breastfed for a little over two years and smoked throughout. My daughters now 5 and she’s as healthy as could be. She’s been ahead of her classes since she started pre k last year and she hit her milestones early. Before I started smoking I did a bunch of research and read studies and stuff and they say very little if any even passes through the breast milk (well at least when I read on it years ago).

I breastfeed for 9 months and smoked flower and edibles (occasionally) for 7 of those months and no bad has come to my daughter. She's a year and 4 months and does things a 2 year old is doing. She's super ahead of the curb and honestly I think it's bc of the flower. My cousin had his baby 2 weeks after my daughter and his kid isn't even walking yet. No judgement or anything just crazy to see the comparisons. When I was pregnant I only smoked like 5 times only bc I was to paranoid about it. But honestly I really don't think it has much of a bad effect on the babies. A happy and calm mom, makes happy and calm babies!

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