How much did u gain during ur pregnancy

So just curious what everyone's experience is. Comment any relevant information.
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Both my pregnancies I gained 50-55lbs (15yrs apart if any thinks age is relevant)

I gained 55 pounds and when I went for scans they told me that my baby was reducing in size. This used to baffle me because I was eating alot and I gained so much weight. So I never knew why she wasnt growing. She is doing great now and growing fine since she has been born.

I gained 63 lbs 😬

Close to 90, but I had preeclampsia which can cause additional weight gain.

First pregnancy, I wanna say I gained 50 pounds? This time only like 30ish pounds (but I still have a few more weeks to go so we'll see)

I didn’t gain anything

I gained 55-60 ish lbs. I started out at 110 which was my ideal weight at the time, I’m 5’2, but with a slightly wider athletic frame. I like to think I was in the best shape I could be. The last time I weighed myself at 8 1/2 months pregnant I was 165lbs. I didn’t weigh myself for the following 3 weeks till I had my boy so I’m estimating when I gave birth I was probably 170/175. A week postpartum I was 140 and I’ve stayed around 135-138 since, I’m 9 1/2 months postpartum. I think my new normal weight in the next year or so will be 125, which makes sense. I was reading lots during my pregnancy about the appropriate amount of weight gain but truly it varies so much between every woman and every pregnancy. I stayed incredibly active and I believer that helped me so much.

Gained the most with my baby boy 50lb. Had hypermesis with my girls and lost 20lb before gaining anything

25 with the first and 15 with the second.

I gained 2 stone when pregnant.

I was overweight to start with, with the foods I couldn’t eat and taking more care of myself because I was feeding the little life in me I lost a stone in the first trimester (no sickness so I didn’t loose it that way) then I maintained that weight till I gave birth ☺️


First was over 55lbs and this time around I haven’t gained any, I’m currently 19 weeks.

1st pregnancy I gained 34.2lbs. 2nd pregnancy I’ve gained 23lbs (2 weeks left still)

Didn’t gain any weight for my first pregnancy but baby was premature born at 27 weeks. This time i’m up 2 pounds from my pre pregnancy weight at 31 weeks however i did lose weight in the first trimester from the nausea.

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Bout 50 pounds

75+ I stopped checking after I hit 195. 2 weeks after birth I was back down to 165


A little over 50lbs. I was in great shape when I got pregnant and continued to work out during my pregnancy. I think amount of weight gained only matters when it's unhealthy weight. I was quite a bit over what the doctors wanted me at but they never expressed concern and I got back to pre-preg weight by 9mo pp with minimal exercise.

Roughly 10- 12lbs overall, I had weight loss surgery 5 months prior to falling pregnant, so struggled with eating as it was and the sickness was awful so struggled again to keep anything down. My LO was born 3weeks 4 days early weighing 6lb 1oz and was healthy x

To be honest I don’t know buttt all throughout I lose weight really badly, stone after stone from morning sickness! Got skinny with a bump. Then 30 weeks + I just got plump and more plump

I was 8stone (I think about 50kg, not sure about lbs) and 5ft5 before pregnancy, now 32+4(?) and 13stone give or take 🥲

I went up to 13 stone too!! These babies are heavy

I was so sick. First pregnancy i lost 50 pounds. Second pregnancy i lost 65 pounds

I was 135 and very athletic pre pregnancy. Stopped working out when I hit 2nd trimester and gained most weight during my third. I was 190 at the end of my pregnancy. Now 4 months postpartum I’m at 150. Struggling to lose that last 15 to get back to my pre pregnancy weight. I admittedly could be working out more though.

1st-20lbs (boy) 2nd-no gain (girl)

My first was 15 lbs after losing over 20 from being sick. My second I gained like 30lbs and it was way too much for my body

I only gained 14lbs during my twin pregnancy. I delivered 8.5 weeks early and I was already about 15-20lb overweight when I conceived.

I gained 50 lbs and most of it was water weight. I swelled up all over by the end. Took me about a year to get back to pre-pregnancy weight without dropping weight too quickly.

Went from 94 pounds to 148

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62lbs I started at 150 ended at 212

I only gained 5kg from being 50kg

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