@Meghan have you tried it??
Try this one https://sneakpeektest.com/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw3P-2BhAEEiwA3yPhwAGtpXxz-DLcd0cU3ZKwFbj8v563m9Cg13Eok0xpjo1RdNy6Y_pBBxoCiA4QAvD_BwE
@Stephy have you tried this before?? I think this is the one I was looking into
I did with my first pregnancy
It’s not worth it. It’s not accurate at all. And someone guessing will be right half the time. I’d recommend waiting until the 10 weeks blood draw, and then I’d still keep doubts in your mind until the 20weeks anatomy scan. Because blood draws (although rare) still can get it wrong.