I’m 48 and I’ve gone a month and a half without a period, at the most. I used to be so regular like a clock, it is so annoying not knowing when or if you’ll get another one. I guess that’s why they say you’re not in menopause until it’s been a whole year without a cycle.
I think I've shared this with you before, Shravni, but for anyone else reading this M-brace The Change factsheet on perimenopause periods might be useful: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dPMxnM8cPqyMq_obcp5tpNtuni7BWu6c/view?usp=drivesdk đź©·
I’m 48 as well and my periods are now here and there but I still get them! I’m ready for it to end🙄 and the not knowing is really annoying and I know this is tmi but my right boob kills me before a period so I know it’s coming. This is all new for me! Perimenopause is a beast lol
I'm 54...this past year I've had three periods spread out over the year ..they're just slowly getting less and less... the hot flashes have been bad in the last couple months I just talked to the Dr about starting BHRT which is a bioidentical hormone pellet inserted under the skin every 3 months I'm very excited to try...to regulate everything...the hot flashes are just so awful
I haven't had a period since 2023