Reception preparation

Hi all, Just wanted to know what everyone’s doing to prep for reception. We’ve started numbers, counting and tracing so far. Just wanted some more ideas on how we can prep for next September 😊
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Hi, the best thing to do is to talk to the primary school your little one will be going to and ask them what they expect/ prefer for children starting reception. But you could look at learning the days of the week, months of the year, seasons etc x

@Michelle thank you, planning to go to a few open days towards the end of this month/ November. Thank you for the advice will incorporate that into our reception prep!

Apart from the numbers and letter work you're doing, we got told to try encourage them to dress themselves (helps with PE days and toilet trips), use a knife and fork correctly, put their coat on and get it off etc all helps things run smoothly in the school environment x

@Annie the getting dressed has been a struggle, especially the morning rush before nursery 😂. He has started to go toilet on his own initially but I will go in once he’s done to supervise/clean properly etc. it’s quite overwhelming how independent they would need to be by next September, but trying to focus on getting him independent doing one tasks every couple of weeks. Not sure if it is a boy thing but he would happily let me do everything for him 😂

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