Hi there! Have the doctors told you anything ? Is she meeting her milestones? My son is also 3 1/2 but he’s even smaller. He’s barely 32 inches and he has been weighting 25lbs. They have referred me to see an endocrinologist and even genetics. They have done all types of testing and everything has been negative. He meets all his milestones and he is growing every year but just at the 5%. So for now they are just monitoring. And they will see if we start him on growth hormone therapy next year.
Her doctor says she's meeting her milestones and her weight is good. Her height i believe they said she's in the 5th percentile
My daughter weighs the same but is 38 inches tall. Based on yalls height that seems appropriate. My daughter goes through phases on how much she eats but I always try to focus on making sure she eats good foods don’t worry so much about size.
My baby is small too she is about 28 lbs and about 3ft tall maybe a little taller we are not very tall people I wouldn’t worry as long as blood work is good and baby is happy. All kids are different cause my 16 month ok is almost as tall as my 3.5 year old and the charts say she way over the average weight same parents but different kids lol
@Val Can you explain what growth hormone therapy they might be considering?
They are injections that will help stimulate growth hormone and will help him grow a couple inches. We haven’t started yet so I don’t know too much about it. But we have an appt this month to start discussing if we will need to do that.
Please talk to your pediatrician if you haven’t already. That is small, but if she’s healthy, being small is ok!! The doctor will know what to check for, and will tell you if there are any concerns. For example, my daughter had a large head size. She ended up getting some special testing to make sure nothing bad was happening in her head. Turned out everything was fine … just a big head! 😀