Yeah because my son was most definitely a valentines day baby 😂 he was due November 9th but came nov4th, and i had known i was pregnant when i was 4weeks.
If you had an early ultrasound, that dating is more accurate than the late ones. Your baby could’ve gained a pound in the last month and still been normal range. If you conceived a month earlier your baby would’ve appeared 12w at the 8w ultrasound and that is a big difference. My ultrasound at 9w4d (since last period) dated my baby at 10w- which was accurate to when I knew I ovulated. So they can even tell by the days that early! My girl came 3w early (unusual for anyone but especially a first born) and was just under 6lbs - they do say the last month is for gaining weight, but she’s pretty close to the 6-9lb full term weight
@Emily what’s an early ultrasound I had one at 7 weeks and then every 4 weeks from then and omg the Dr kept saying he would’ve been 8 or 9 lbs if I went to term 😭😭😭
@Armani earliest ultrasound ive heard of is around the 4th week mark. I had my first one done exactly then, and a week prior i had tested twice in the span if 4days positive results, and was over due my period like by two weeks. But i only know specific dates because two hospital visits for an injury and biopsy done the beginning of the month and i tested negative, then surprise at the end of that month
Sure seems like it.