My sister had both her babies at 37 weeks naturally and said she felt nothing until she went into labour it was a surprise both times she just randomly started having contractions x
From what I’m reading, there’s no real way of knowing (which is scary 🤣) my bump has suddenly dropped, back ache, very uncomfortable and more discharge suddenly but I’m 33 weeks, it’s far too soon! I’ve read that this can happen up to 4 weeks before!
I had my son at 35 weeks and 6 days, first symptom was a jellylike discharge 4 days before, then nothing until my waters broke as I went into labour
@Holly thank you for sharing! Were you and baby both ok? Did you notice your bump drop with the weeks leading up to it?
We were both totally fine :) and no not really, although a lot of people commented I looked big for 35 weeks
I felt nothing until the day before labor started. I had a back ache all day, then went to sleep. Woke up at 2 am with contractions.