I’m the same way. My bump is now showing and I’m starting to feel baby move but I still feel like it’s a big prank I’m pulling on people telling them I’m pregnant. It makes me feel bad when I try to talk about it to my mom or other family because they’re like “well there IS a baby in there and it’ll be here soon” like duh i know that but it doesn’t feel real. I think it’s a normal feeling and I’ve heard other women talk about being this way during pregnancy who after they gave birth were like super moms with awesome connections with their babies. Obviously that’s also not the case for everyone and as Rhayne said like if you still feel this way after baby comes it’s okay to get help♥️
I think this is totally normal. I’m currently 33 weeks pregnant (100% planned and prayed for) and yet it hasn’t sunk in for me yet and i give birth in a little over a month! I strongly believe once my son is in my arms it will all feel real and it will be perfect! Keep your head up!
Don't feel guilty. Everyone is different. We done IVF and now I'm 29 weeks and it's only just starting to sink in the more I grow a bump and the more I feel the baby. We haven't bought anything yet either, because I've been in the denial stage. But if you're struggling with anxiety, definitely talk to someone about your concerns. It will help! I know for myself it probably won't feel real until the baby is in my arms. Just try to embrace the journey ❤️
I was in such denial the whole pregnancy. Didn't buy things incase she was stillborn. Planned with my husband that I could go on a week away when she was born to unwind. And then she came along and it's been 5 weeks and I don't know what I was so worried about.
Dont panic - I am 34 weeks and still dont “feel” pregnant…. I have a very neat bump and have barely had any of the usual pregnancy symptoms… I dont feel particularly bonded to my baby just yet but lots of people have reassured me thats normal and will totally change once he’s here and in my arms so please dont feel any guilt! 🤗
I went back and forth on feeling how really my pregnancy was. I was still in "denial" after I had my son but it was a very traumatic not normal labor experience. Also if u still feel that way after baby that's ok it can be pp anxiety or depression. It's very normal but see someone. Support really helps.