You’re not a bad mum at all! But I think you’re right that your fear is stopping them a bit. Why don’t you sit with him and try him with toast cut into fingers, either with just butter, jam or banana. And just see how it goes. It’s hard but be patient and let him explore it with his hands. I would do this every day and introduce it again slowly. At least if you sit with him you can see how he reacts. But also remember they will gag but it isn’t choking. Choking they will usually go silent and pale to blue. Gagging is a lot of sounds because of them coughing and they go red, you kinda have to let them do it to get used to it. It’s not nice but they’ll learn. You’ve got this xx
Thank you!! X
Solid Starts has some good advice too ☺️
This website is really useful, and I’d recommend going to your local library to get some books on weaning. You could also see whether your local family centre do any solid food workshops and/or baby first aid courses - it might help with your anxiety if you knew how to support little one if he did choke. You could also ask your GP or health visitor to point you in the direction of support with your anxiety 😊