Temp Housing/Getting housed

So my mother is kicking me out because she thinks I locked her in the garden. But it was my daughter. She was out there for less than a minute. She's a massive narcissist and toxic person. Anyways, cut a long story short. I have 2 weeks to get out. I've told her I'm done with her and she will never see me again. I have 2 under 2. A history of depression etc. I don't know anyone this way apart from my children's father and 1 friend. Everyone else lives in London where I am originally from. I couldn't take me and the kids being shipped off somewhere far from everyone and in a hostel somewhere. Has anyone in East sussex/Kent been through the process. What happens. Will they take that into consideration?
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i’m not from there but with my council they just asked if i had family in the area and if you do they will still house you there, so you having your mam in that area will still count towards it

I don’t have a personal experience but my friend went though this, we’re on the border of Kent and London and she was in temp housing for a few months and was given a flat in the same area. Her mum and brother both live in the area so it did help her case and she wasn’t moved out of the area.

@Irita when you say temp Housing, what is that? Is that like a hostel or could that possibly be a flat/house before you get a permanent place xx

@Lauren for my friend it was a house with a shared kitchen. But I’ve heard of people being placed in hotels as well. I think it depends on the area and what’s available at that point.

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