@Jalin that’s what I’m thinking too. My daughter was very large when she was born too so maybe another big baby?
@Reagan yes! Your body already knows what to do this time so it’s just getting ready faster 🥰
I think it’s probably a bump!! Im 10 weeks with baby #2 and I am starting to see a bump too, I laughed so hard bc after dinner last night I could clearly see where my bloat ended and my baby bump began (it looked like a little shelf for my tummy)
@Emily aww that’s cute and exciting
@Jalin okay this makes sense
I feel the same way!! I feel like I’m huge, and should not be yet. Maybe just bloating, but I feel you!
I feel the same way but this is my first pregnancy and some days a have something that looks like a bump and other days I look fine. So I guess I’m just bloated. I def have a hard time closing my jeans… it’s uncomfortable.
@Vanessa is yours squishy or hard? I definitely feel mine get super firm whenever my stomach cramps up
Not chubby!!! Maybe a little bump and a little bloat or all bump and no bloat! I’ve seen a few other ladies say the similar!!