Following also! And please include pricing for those who have researched. I’ve loosely checked out places and they’re close to $500/ week!
I know waterworks is $30 per 20 min session for the parent and child swim classes
Waterworks Aquatics on Bascom. Ms Toni is the BEST teacher, we love her. They offer as young as 4 months and we've been going for almost a year. It's $30-35 per 20 minute class depending on how many classes you buy at a time.
AVAC swim school $182 every 20th of the month 4-5 sessions a month depending on how many weeks are in the month sessions are once a week for 30 minutes. My son just started but he loves it. I used to take him to club sport.
YMCA has classes and you get a free membership if you have Santa Clara health plan/ medical.
Safe splash swim school seemed to be fairly reasonable and our boy felt comfortable with the instructor. To reference no one really holds him because he’s not fond of strangers but he didn’t cry when our instructor (female) held him and he loves the water!
Avac is super good