34 weeker

My little man was born at 34 weeks exactly, will be a week old tomorrow. I was wondering roughly how long other babies stayed in hospital around the same gestation? He still doesn’t wake up for his feeds and is being tube fed 😔 it’s so hard being stuck in hospital
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Congratulations! It's so hard being stuck in hospital, isn't it. I didn't actually see daylight for 6 days when my Son was born - I felt like a vampire! My son was born at 36 weeks and they kept him in for 10 days first in nicu, then in scbu - as soon as they start feeding I find the hospitals are keen to get you home. Make the most of the sleep whilst you can. I hope he is able to get home with you soon xx

Congratulations! My first born was at 34+4 and spent 17 days in NICU, most of which was establishing feeding, make the most of the sleep now xx

Hey my little girl was born at 34+2 in NICU for 2 weeks tube fed the first week then I stayed with her the following week to establish breastfeeding. It was so hard but they are proper fighters. She’s 8 months now and she’s thriving ❤️ and we are still breastfeeding nicely. I struggled with how small she was but nipple shields helped loads. All the best for you two ❤️

My baby was born at 33+2 and we spent 20 days in NICU/SCBU. As above the majority was establishing feeding once he had fought off infections etc that he was battling x

Congrats! My little boy was also born 34 weeks exactly. We spent 10 days in hospital. We were fortunate he took to feeding very quickly, although I do think we were discharged too early also. I had steroid injections the week before he arrived which may have sped up some of his progress. Hope you get home soon and little one is well

My son was 33+1 and was in for 12 days, just needed to establish feeding xx

@Kirsty same here! 33+3, got the steroid injections and spent only 10 days establishing feeding. We were discharged home with a ng tube for another 2 weeks until he was fully breastfed

My son was born at 33 week and we was in for 17 days x

33+6 here and my daughter was in for 2 weeks and 1 day. I hope you get to take him home soon ☺️

Congratulations. Until he is able to take feeds by himself and no longer requires the NG tube. My little one was born at 28wks we spent 10wks in hospital. He had to reach a certain weight and take his bottles without apneas and he is nearly two. I lived and breathed the walls of the hospital. Enjoy the sleep now. Because am sure i didn't sleep for his first 12months.

Congratulations! 31+4 and 3 weeks in hospital. He was too young to figure out how to suck, breathe and swallow until the final week really. He had his feeding tube in until just a couple days before he was discharged. Once he gained weight, the doctors were happy for him to come home after a good 24 hours of breastfeeding.

Congratulations 🥰 My boy was born at 33 weeks and we stayed in for 14 days. Are you breastfeeding or bottle feeding? My experience was that we started 'nussles' at 34 weeks and this took a few days of slow progress to get him to suck and swallow and feeds were only a few minutes at first. After about 5 days he suddenly started feeding properly and did about 20-30 mins on the breast per feed. He was having bottles over night as I couldn't stay in the hospital. As soon as he drank all his night time bottles we were home within 24 hours. I would suggest as much skin to skin as you can manage, use a dummy to help baby learn suck and swallow and it's just one of those things that unfortunately takes time and is tiring and frustrating. You will be home soon and the nicu journey will feel like a distant memory xxx

Hey my LO was born 33+5 and she was in NICU for 6 days and transitional care for 6 days before being discharged for home. She was also tube fed and we had to wake her for feeds and she kept falling asleep while feeding but keep trying to establish breastfeeding. I know it’s hard and I ended up doing combo feeding with formula due to low supply but hang in there mama you got this 🙏🏾

34+4 in NICU 5 days. He took to feeding from a bottle very well. He was also huge and would have been 10lbs if I had gone full term. He came out 6lbs 5oz.

My little boy was born at 35 weeks, had the same issues with not waking or feeding, we was in for 14 days and he come home drinking fine we still have to wake him up from time to time !! Speak to your hospital as I know mine allowed me to be trained on tube feeding so if I felt comfortable I could go home with the tube in his nose ! Keep your head up it’s draining and hard but once you get home with your little family everything will make sense!

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