I ordered a weaning set from Bibado! They have a sale on atm with the full bibs and dippers etc, its really cool actually and they throw in a free weaning chart. We’ll be weaning from next month too. Super exciting👏🏽
Some HV can give advice in terms of weaning. But I've started with purees and he absolutely loves them! We have started pureeing some meals and he loves them too. We did start with fruits and I was concerned my little one would hate non sweet stuff, but so far, he has eaten absolutely everything I've given him!! I'm introducing more BLW in a few weeks, along side his purees as my HV told me that we still need to make sure babies are having nutrients in their diets. But I do let him spoon feed himself, which he has been surprisingly good at!
We are going to start in December I think. I’ve read so much about it and I’ve decided to start with green vegetables first. If you start with anything too sweet they may just prefer that and refuse the vegetables! We will then start introducing chicken and fish. Remember food is for fun before one! Meaning up until one they are just learning to eat and milk is still their main source for food xx