God my little boy is like this! I can make him a meal and he won’t eat it, grandparents make it, he will eat the lot!! I think they’re always picky when you make their meals, I know a few people who have said this. Hopefully just a phase 🙈
@Stephanie I had a chicken bacon and avocado sandwich at a restaurant we went to two weeks before. She loved eating it. But then made at home it was another story lol. She used to eat rice but I she won’t eat plain rice it has to be with something. I’m making a curry with rice and veg this week so hopefully she will try that and like it. Okay thank you that’s very helpful. Haha yeah she doesn’t like anything cut up atm. But problem is she ends up stuffing loads of stuff in her mouth and then gags on it and spits it out. Grapes I still cut regardless and other foods that are tougher
@Sophie yeah hopefully it is it’s so difficult sometimes ahah
Yep we are exactly same he eats all sorts at nursery he would chuck on floor at home 🫠 I think the only thing we can do is keep offering a mix of things, focus on what and how much they eat in a week rather than a day or a meal and hope it passes!
It's normal for them to still be fairly picky at this age I think. Mine won't eat a lot of veg (he will have peas, sweetcorn, but broccoli, carrots and anything else is 50/50). He also doesn't like sandwiches and meat like chicken unless it's breaded or cut up in a sauce. I think chicken bacon and avocado sandwich isn't something most 2 year olds I know would eat altogether although some may like avocado or chicken maybe. Does she eat rice? I'd maybe try and have a meal where you make something she will eat and something she may not, but do keep offering new things or things she had refused before and keep trying her to have the same as you. I also read not to offer alternative meals until the next snack or meal time as otherwise they wont try anything as they know youll keep trying alternatives. For fruit I find mine wants them whole now unless it's something that needs cutting eg grapes. We are also in a plate refusal phase so everything goes in his bowl or on the tray next to it. It's hard not to worry.