Don’t give up, he is telling you something about the food, it could be texture or a lack of flavour. My little one would not eat chicken until I learned how to season it without salt so it wasn’t boring.
I am happy to share some things I tried. Breakfast is still a trial for me as he is allergic to eggs but he will eat creamy oatmeal with mashed banana and peanut butter. He eats better than his parents!
Hi Kate! If you express you are having trouble (have to prove it), you can get an OT to come and help through OHIP.
Hello Mama, We have all had our trials with this I am sure. My little boy was a super challenge with the eating part. He was ok with Puree but due to his allergies and our doctor’s instructions he was held back and delayed in this area. Come to the 10 month mark and we were panicking and playing catch up. It took a lot of experimentation, like us adults our little ones are developing their palette. I found our baby had high end taste buds and a preference for crunchy over soft, sticky or what he deems as slimy. He is now 13 months and doing soooo much better. I started making pita wraps for him around the 10 month mark with hummus or ricotta cheese mixed with spinach and a protein like chicken. We would toast or fry it in a pan to make in crisp and then cut it up for him (lol lots of work) the result was instant and the first proper food he ate. The whole thing was gone. I now make him some special things like cut up Brussel sprouts with duck bacon and onion etc. he eats it all now.