Adult TV around baby

When did everyone decide to stop watching violent/ adult tv around your baby?
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Probably when she actively started watching / staring at the tv so for me personally around 4/5 months

The day she was born … you read so much about how tv influences children that we’ve only ever really had her tv stuff on when she’s awake

Depends what it is as did a lot of binge watching when baby was asleep of adult shows. I did stop watching Jeremy Kyle when they were about 2.

Honestly as soon as they are born as both my husband and are neurodivergent and have the tv on in the background during waking hours. I watched Boston Legal and the resident before my first was 3/4 months old after that I try and keep it something that is family friendly. I like cartoons so will watch kids TV during the day and a family friendlyish show in the late afternoon/evenings. Occasionally the show will have more adult themes but nothing violent or sexual.

The day my kid was born I stopped having anything that wasn’t pg on that they could hear. They pick up on vibes and emotions from birth and they learn a lot as they develop so always just found it best to keep it all pg and light hearted

As soon as he started actually “watching” it. Think it was around 8 months with my first and around 5 with my second. Noticed they wouldn’t eat/sleep/play as they were watching the telly instead haha

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