Everything in mouth
My May baby still tries to eat so many not food items such as dirt, play dough and crayons. I thought he would grow out of putting these things in his mouth. He gets extremely distressed when I try and stop him. It’s not like he plays and then tries some. If I get the play dough out he will grab it and immediately put it in his mouth and then looks for bits that have broken off to eat too.
I obviously try and stop him and now I have had to get rid of crayons and play dough. There is no way he is hungry either.
I’ve looked online and worried myself about something called PICA.
I suppose I am wondering if anyone else’s may baby is still doing these things?
Normal toddler development! My little boy is the exact same and my health visitor even warned me he’d eat crayons and that they’re non toxic for that reason😂